Tuesday 3 January 2017

Evenwood in line for 'a thorough tidy up'

EVENWOOD is in line to be the first place in Teesdale to be chosen for a pilot programme to give villages in the county a major tidy up.
County council teams from highway services, street cleansing, grounds maintenance and other departments are expected to descend on the village for Operation Spruce Up in 2017.
Community groups and schools would also be involved. The scheme, which aims to foster a sense of local pride, is being rolled out across the county. An announcement was made at this month’s meeting of Evenwood Parish Council.
Clerk Martin Clark said: “The likelihood is that in May it will be Evenwood that will be chosen as the village in Teesdale to get this. Hopefully we will get the full works – it’s a lovely way for us to sign off for the Christmas holidays.”
The news was greeted with enthusiasm from parish councillors for Evenwood, which has been troubled by vandalism and anti-social behaviour in the past.
Cllr Mary Prince said: “Some parts of the village are desperate for it.”
Elsewhere in County Durham, Operation Spruce Up has included:
Cleaning road channels, gullies and weeding
A thorough clean and de-grease of pavements and removal of graffiti
Sweeping areas that machinery cannot reach
Cleaning street signs
Painting of street columns, railings and bollards
The replacement of old shrub beds, mulching those to be retained and clearing them of litter
Repair and painting of bins, bollards and benches
Pruning of trees – in particular those that overhang roads or impair drivers’ vision
Cllr Brian Stephens, Durham County Council portfolio holder for neighbourhoods and local partnerships, said: “The appearance of our front streets and centres is so important in terms of the environment, strengthening people’s pride in where they live and also attracting business.”
Oliver Sherratt, council head of direct services, added: “Whilst our maintenance standards are amongst the best in the country, we do recognise the benefits of a thorough tidy up and refresh.
“This exciting initiative allows us to do this work, not in isolation, but with the local community by our side, ensuring what we deliver meets their needs.”

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