Saturday 5 November 2016

Barnard Castle quizzers' £4,000 for good causes

A SOCIAL club has raised more than £4,000 for worthwhile causes – despite the possibility of a worrying water rates hike.
The Great North Air Ambulance Service has praised the efforts of the DLI Club, in Barnard Castle, saying its lifesaving service relies on funds raised by small groups across the region.
A cash handover took place last week. It was all the more impressive because the DLI Club has just received a letter from Northumbrian Water.
Eddie Tinkler, from the club, said: “Our water rates are going up from £350 to £400 a year to £1,600 because we’re a business. We’re challenging that. It’s a lot of money for a small club like this.”
The DLI Club, which is based at 31 Horsemarket, started life as a place for servicemen to socialise decades ago. It has about 150 members who pay a small subscription.
Among other events, the club has a weekly Wednesday quiz at 9pm hosted by quizmaster Andrew Nicholson. Players donate cash into charity tins and during the past two years have raised £4,135. Charities to benefit are The Clique, Marie Curie Cancer Care and the air ambulance, for which about £2,000 has been collected.
Anne-Marie Horsley, campaigns officer for the air ambulance, said: “Money from small clubs like this is very, very important. Over the years they have absolutely done us proud. They are the mortar and cement that keeps everything together for us.”
Mrs Horsley took on the post earlier this year and has been visiting clubs to say a personal thank you.
The air ambulance is promoting its lottery, which it hopes will provide more revenue in the years to come. It costs 50p to play and every week £1,500 is given away in separate cash prizes.
But Mrs Horsley said she didn’t want groups like the DLI Club to stop using traditional collection tins.
“If that’s what they do, then great,” she said.
Last week’s quiz was Mr Nicholson’s 145th at the DLI Club. Despite going up against the Great British Bake Off on TV, it was another successful night with plenty of teams. People who want to take part can just turn up on Wednesday nights.

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