Friday 25 November 2016

Code of conduct to protect Low Force beauty spot

A CODE of conduct has been drawn up to protect an iconic Teesdale beauty spot.
The River Tees at Low Force is one of the most popular locations for river sports in England.
The river bank is also important for rare plants and is in the Moor House-Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve.
The North Pennines AONB Partnership has created a code to limit damage.
A spokesman said that The Pennine Way trail runs alongside the southern bank of the Tees and over the years the area has come under pressure from walkers, as well as those seeking access to the river.
“To ensure that people accessing the river do not unintentionally damage the habitat, we have built an access launch, marked a clear exit route and developed the Low Force River Access Code of Conduct, so that people can continue to enjoy this special place responsibly,” the partnership said.
As well as giving details on how to access the river, the code of conduct advices uses to avoid the grassed and vegetation area to launch, not to camp or light fires and keep groups to a maximum of ten.
Visit www.northpennines. or contact Simon Wilson, on

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