Thursday 3 August 2017

Prizes for Bowes Hutchinson's Primary School leavers

SONGS, awards and speeches brought another school year to an end at Bowes Hutchinson’s Primary School.

Dozens of parents and relatives packed into St Giles’ Church on the Friday before the holidays to say goodbye to school leavers and usher in the summer.

A wide range of academic, sporting and musical awards were handed out after presentations by the children about their school year.

Revd Jonathan Barker told pupils to share their lives with others on their onwards journey in life before villager Betty Etty gave out bibles and crosses from the school’s trustees.

Headteacher Chris Matthewman thanked the Friends of Bowes School (FOBS) for all their contributions and support this year.

One final addition to the school was also welcomed in last week.

A custom made wooden seat designed by pupils was installed last Thursday.

Sourced from Veterans Woodcraft, in Catterick Village, the bench was built by ex-servicemen to benefit Help For Heroes.

Made from a 150-year-old Redwood, the seat displays the names of pupils carved out in its sycamore and elm rear.

It is due to be waxed this week.

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