Saturday 5 August 2017

Merger 'will allow Teesdale YMCA to thrive in tough times'

TWO YMCA groups are to merge to ensure the organisation’s continued presence in Teesdale.

Teesdale YMCA’s board has agreed to pursue a merger with North Tyneside YMCA.

The board said the merger would support YMCA Teesdale to better meet the needs of the community and ensure the organisation is able to thrive through difficult financial times.

This is despite the local group securing a pot of Lottery funding in January that guarantees its future until the end of 2019.

Mike Way, chairman of the YMCA in Teesdale, said: “Despite very successful fundraising campaigns supporting our activities we have come to the conclusion that we can best grow and develop our work by learning from and working with another YMCA.

“YMCA England are encouraging such partnerships.”

He added that Teesdale YMCA had been working with North Tyneside since December 2016 under a joint management arrangement.

He said: “We have spent more time getting to know our new community, partners and stakeholders so that we can more effectively develop services that meet the needs of the people of Teesdale in the future.

“As part of this process we have been developing a positive working relationship with staff and trustees of YMCA North Tyneside so that we can forge a successful partnership, learning from each other whilst acknowledging that our communities are very different with distinct identities.

“There is a rich history associated with the YMCA in Teesdale and we know that lots of community members have many fond memories of the times they have spent with us. It is now time to build on this to ensure that the YMCA has a future as positive as its past and that it plays a key part in the lives of young people, families and the wider community for many years to come. Teesdale YMCA will not in any sense disappear – on the contrary, our work will be enabled to grow and develop.”

Don Irving took over as chief executive of Teesdale YMCA earlier this year after the departure of Kevin Wake, who had helped land the Lottery funding. Mr Irving said: “Since I was introduced to Teesdale over the past few months, I have been really impressed with the support from local people and the high value that they place on the YMCA.

“The merger with North Tyneside YMCA presents us with lots of exciting opportunities and will help us to build on the excellent work currently taking place within our communities. I have no doubt that this decision will be well received and the YMCA will go from strength to strength”

Dean Titterton, chief executive of YMCA North Tyneside, added: “The proposed merger with North Tyneside provides the opportunity for new services to be developed that meet the needs of the local community, so we can build a robust organisation that is able to thrive.”

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