Friday 3 March 2017

Barnard Castle veg project hopes 2017 will be breakthrough year after £10,000 Lottery grant

A COMMUNITY veg project hopes 2017 will be the year it fully blossoms after winning a £10,000 grant.
The money from the Heritage Lottery Fund will allow Veg Out in Barney to employ staff to help nurture its garden at The Hub, at Shaw Bank.
The scheme began in 2013 when a small group of people undertook guerilla gardening in Barnard Castle. They planted fruit and vegetables in pots and borders around town so people could pick the produce for free.
The project has since developed with a People’s Garden being created at The Hub.
Veg Out hopes to link in with the Alzheimer’s Society to capitalise on a dementia friendly garden at The Hub. It was built to rekindle people’s fond memories of planting and growing.
It is also hoped Scouts and other groups will get stuck in.
Although there is a core group of volunteers, Veg out in Barney has been lacking willing hands to do everything it wants to do.
Ann Barmby, from Veg Out, said: “We’ve always struggled with volunteers. People are interested and are willing to pick produce but not volunteer. It is not just us – other organisations in Teesdale see this too.
“We had a little bit of money left over last summer and we used it to pay gardeners for a few weeks. It made such a difference. Three of them will be coming back to us and we may have money to pay another.”
Already growing in a polytunnel are broad beans, onions, garlic, herbs, shallots, lettuce, strawberries and thyme. Everyone is welcome to enjoy gardening and take the produce and Mrs Barmby is appealing for more people to make use of the facility.
Mrs Barmby said: “It has been created so everyone can get involved.
“We really want to see more people down here. There are raised beds for people with mobility problems, a summerhouse for those who just want to enjoy the area and there are gardens for people who are just able to get digging. There’s even a Kids Veg Out area. We just need the people.”
Mrs Barmby hopes 2017 will be Veg Out’s “breakthrough” year.
Volunteer Graham Moore spends many hours helping out at the community garden and describes the activity as “rewarding”.
“It’s just a matter of getting stuck in,” he said.
As well as the £10,000 Lottery grant, Veg Out is in line for £2,000 through Teesdale Action Partnership The money will also pay for more equipment.
Anyone interested in joining the Veg Out project should contact Ann Barmby on 01833 630812.

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