Sunday 1 October 2017

Supreme Swaledales at ‘one of the best shows yet’

A SWELL in the number of entries this year made for a stellar Langdon Beck Show.

The traditional upper dale sheep show enjoyed one of its best years since it was revived in 2000. A number of classes had a large number of entries, which led to a later finish time than normal – not that anyone seemed to mind despite the autumn gloom late on in the afternoon. The show’s lucky streak has meant it

hasn’t rained on the big day since it was re-established.

Neville Bainbridge, show chairman, said: “We’ve got a lot of strong entries – in the last couple of years it has dropped off a bit but this year’s been one of the strongest. The produce section is down but that’s due to the weather which hasn’t been kind.” The show committee mourned the loss of former president Alan Scott, who sadly died in last year.

Lord Barnard has now taken on the role.

Mr Bainbridge said: “His dad spent a lot of time here and even when he was poorly still managed to attend the show. We’re really pleased the present Lord Barnard agreed to be president.”

The show, which is held next to Langdon Beck Hotel on the last Saturday in September each year, mainly features Swaledale sheep, although there were a few Herdwicks.

The overall champion went to David Allinson, of West Brisco, Baldersdale. Reserve was a gimmer shearling owned by Robert Hutchinson, from Bowes. It was the first time the winning sheep, a two shear ewe, had been shown. She is from a tup bought from Paul Ewbanks.

Mr Allinson said: “We’re delighted. It’s a good all round sheep, with a good colour and skin.”

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