Friday 6 October 2017

Public drop-in session to discuss future of Barnard Castle's hospital

A PUBLIC event is to be held as concern over the future of Barnard Castle’s community hospital continues to rise.

The aim of event, which is being organised by the town council, is two-fold – to find out what services people are using at the Richardson and what residents want from their local hospital in the future.

It will take place on Saturday, October 7, at Woodleigh, on Scar Top, and take the form of a drop-in session between 11am and 3pm.

It will be staged in conjunction with the Friends of Richardson Hospital fundraising group.

There have been question marks about the future of the hospital since the closure of the Lowson Ward, and in more recent times, a reduction of the number of beds in the remaining Starling Ward from 24 to 16.

How the hospital fits into the wider health service is also being scrutinised as part of the ongoing NHS transformation and sustainability process.

Town councillors agreed to press ahead and gauge public opinion following a special meeting in July during which the lack of consultation was criticised.

Town mayor Cllr Sandra Moorhouse said: “We wanted a public meeting and we wanted the public to be involved.

“I think we have to go forward and get people’s views; ask what do people want rather than what’s proposed and make very clear as to what is required.”

At their September meeting, councillors were also told that NHS officials were in the process of setting up a “reference group” to enable staff from County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust to meet representatives from the community.

Members agreed Cllr Judi Sutherland should be nominated as the town council’s representative on the reference group for the Richardson Hospital.

Cllr Sutherland said she was happy to be put forward, and said it would complement her other campaigning activities relating to the NHS.

“I have been invited onto a group run by Darlington Borough Council which is starting talk about the effect on Darlington (Memorial) hospital of some of the changes being proposed in the sustainability and transformation plan,” she said.

“I am happy to get involved with anything to do with the Richardson.”

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