Saturday 7 October 2017

60,000 dog poo bags handed out at Middleton-in-Teesdale

A MAMMOTH 60,000 free dog poo bags have been given out in a village in the past 18 months.

The statistic was unveiled at a meeting of Middleton-in-Teesdale and Newbiggin parish council. Poop scoop bags are provided free in packs of 50 from the Utass (Upper Teesdale Agricultural Support Services) offices on Chapel Row. 

The total cost to the parish coffers works out at £1.12 a day but that figure has been offset by 58p-a-day worth of donations which dog owners have contributed.

Clerk Judith Mashiter said dog poo had “not been an issue” for a while in Middleton-in-Teesdale. But members were concerned about where dog owners were depositing their bags once filled.

Cllr Sue Bainbridge said: “There is an issue with people tying them to trees.”

Cllr Nickie Hough added: “Someone flung one in my yard.”

The dangers dog waste posed to animals were also on the minds of members. Cllr Bainbridge added: “If you throw filled dog poo bags into a field with horses, they will eat it and it kills them.”

After the meeting, Mrs Mashiter added: “Parish councillors are pleased that this service is appreciated, but just would like everyone who uses the bags to then place them in any public bin, and not hang them on trees or stick them in walls.”

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