Friday 4 August 2017

Middleton-in-Teesdale Carnival – picture postcard scenes

PEOPLE with an interest in historic pictures of Middleton-in-Teesdale and vintage steam trains are in for a treat when the village’s carnival gets underway this weekend.

Village volunteer and shopkeeper Jane Addison has put part of her collection of historic postcards featuring village scenes and locomotives from the 19th and early 20th century on exhibition.

Ms Addison, who helps manage a craft and gift shop above Cafe Fresh, in Horsemarket, has put up the display in the shop from her collection of about 150 postcards, while the remaining postcards are kept on hand for people to browse through.

She said: “I have not been collecting for very long compared to some people, about four years on and off – eBay is great, it is where they all are from.”

One of the oldest in her selection is a postcard with a photograph of Seed Hill, which probably dates back to the early beginnings of photography.

The idea to put up the display, she said, came from the carnival theme of railways and trains. Among her collection of postcards is a range of steamtrains that operated in Teesdale as well as images of the old railway station.

Ms Addison added that people interested in railways could also look at a host of books about trains that are available in the shop.

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