Saturday 3 June 2017

Riot of colour awaits visitors to Snow Hall open garden

A GARDEN famed for its rhododendrons is to be opened to the public for the first time in about ten years.
Hundreds of rhododendrons in an array of different colours populate the gardens of Snow Hall, in Gainford, but until now they have been off-limits to the public. But the new owner, Suzanne Bolton, is opening up the gardens in aid of St Mary’s Church in the
They are open from 2pm to 5pm on Whit Sunday, June 4.
Divided into sections, people will first experience the kitchen garden with a magnificent array of fruit, vegetables and herbs.
Pears, apples, figs, gooseberries and lots of strawberries are just some of the many fruit in fruit in the kitchen garden.
Ms Bolton said: “The grapes are new for this year, we will see how it works. The herb garden is coming along well.”
Next is the orchard with an array of apple trees, alongside lemon and plum trees.
An open lawn follows where the owners like to enjoy a gin and tonic after a day working in the garden on a sunny day.
The garden is in great condition considering its size and the work that needs to be done to maintain it.
Ms Bolton added: “It was a fantastic garden when we moved in – it just needs a bit of tidying up. We have planted a lot.” The owners moved in about 18 months ago.
The next part of the garden is flush with rhododendrons of almost every colour imagineable and it is this part
that most people will want to see. This area boasts a large pond, adding to the tranquility.
There is also an impressive display of hydrangeas, magnolia and lily of the valley.
Vicar for St Mary’s Church Revd Eileen Harrop said: “In previous years people have come from near and far to enjoy their impressive show of vibrant colour.”
Entry to the open garden is £5.

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