Saturday 3 June 2017

Green light sought for Staindrop events

A SPORADICALLY used village green may become a centre for events under a new proposal.
Staindrop boasts one of Teesdale’s largest greens, but apart from the annual village carnival and a few games of quoits, it is largely unused.
This may change following a suggestion by the carnival committee to Staindrop Parish Council.
It successful, events staged on the green will raise cash for village groups.
Parish clerk Tom Bolton told the parish council that events suggested by the carnival committee included a picnic and fun day late in August, a flea market and car boot sale also in August, a farmers’ market in September, a Halloween night in October and a Christmas market in December.
Cllr Tony Smith, who also represents the carnival committee, said the idea emerged while thinking of ideas to raise cash for the village’s Christmas lights.
He said: “I though there is an opportunity to do something on the greens.
“It is just for village based committees or organisations to make a bit more use of the greens, but they would have to provide some volunteers as well, it can’t just be the carnival committee. I’m not saying any of these events will go ahead this year. It is just an outline idea and then we can go forward.”
He added that the carnival had recently bought ten green pop-up gazebos which could be used during events on the green.
The idea was largely welcomed by the parish council which agreed in principle to the proposal.
Cllr Roger Humphries said: “All our concern is with the lawful use of the green, and  to me, these seem to be classic uses of the green for what they call lawful sports and pastimes for the better enjoyment of the greens.
“This is precisely the sort of thing we want to encourage.”

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