Saturday 1 April 2017

Free allotment plots in Gainford - but there's a catch

GARDENERS who fancy a challenge are being offered the use of an allotment plot free of charge.
The only catch is that the gardens available at Gainford allotments have not been used for years and have been reclaimed by nature.
Four adjacent plots have been offered free of charge by the allotment association for a year to anyone who wants to have a go at turning them into productive gardens. Allotment association chairman Dave Greenland said it wasn't known when – if ever – the plots had last been worked.
“We really need to get these plots back into productive use, so the committee agreed to forgo the rent for a year to anyone willing to have a go,” he said.
“It may be that you could just get a couple of beds organised, but it means something other than weeds will be grown there.”
The allotments are on the edge of the village next to the former St Peter's school.
The majority of the 39 full and 15 half plots are taken.
Normally, gardeners are charged an annual rent of £65 for a full plot.
Gardeners who are up for the challenge do not have to be resident in Gainford.
More information is available online at www.gainford There is also a Gainford allotments page on Facebook.
Anyone interested in taking on one of the unused plots can contact Mr Greenland on 07938 190975 or by email to

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