Sunday 2 April 2017

Durham County Council's £2m expenses queried – including those of councillor who averages "28 miles a day, five days a week, 52 weeks a year"

DURHAM’S army of county councillors should be prepared to take a cut in expenses and allowances.

Barnard Castle resident Sam Henderson told a question and answer session with the county council's chief executive Terry Collins that the 125 elected members cost tax payers more than £2.037million in 2015/16.
Addressing the session, held as part of a Barnard Castle Town Council meeting, Mr Henderson said: “I think the county council should be cutting its expenses bill by at least as much as it is cutting the pay of its lowest paid workers.”
He highlighted the fact that Cllr John Shuttleworth, an independent member representing Weardale, claimed £3,264 in travel expenses, which represented more than 7,000 miles.
“That’s 28 miles a day, five days a week, 52 weeks a year. Does he ever get out of his car?” asked Mr Henderson.
Mr Collins pointed out that councillors’ allowances and expenses were set by an independent remuneration panel.
He said the seven-strong panel assessed the roles and responsibilities of councillors and took into account what other councils were paying.
“It is totally independent. There has not been an increase for a long time.”
Mr Henderson said: “It is a hell of an expense.”
Contacted after the meeting, Cllr Shuttleworth, who has served on the council for 20 years, said his travel expenses were high because he lived in Rookhope, one of the furthest points from county hall.
“I come in most days because there are things to do. Some days there are meetings, other days there is casework.
“I have never done it for the money. I put other people before my own private life. If I work out the time I put in to what I am paid, it works out about £2 per hour.”
Cllr Shuttleworth said if his constituents were unhappy about his performance, this would be reflected in the local election on May 4.

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