Sunday 5 November 2017

Bishop of Durham's visit to mark St Luke's Day

THE Bishop of Durham has dropped in on Teesdale to mark a special day in the Christian calendar.

The Rt Revd Bishop Paul Butler visited The Bowes Museum for St Luke’s Day with a concert, lecture and a viewing of the 15th century St Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child painting.

Bishop Paul said: “It was a really interesting idea to celebrate St Luke’s day by hearing some music and having a conversation about the painting.”

Musicians from Barnard Castle school held a concert in the museum’s blue picture gallery before a special conference and chat was held with town dignitaries.

The 15th century painting was acquired by the museum in July last year with support from grants and donors.

Bernadette Petti, the museum’s assistant curator of fine art, said the museum provided a “neutral space” to discuss the theology and art behind the image.

She added: “It a special space where we can engage in a dialogue and discuss it with extraordinary people like Bishop Paul.”

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