Tuesday 5 September 2017

Barnard Castle's secret life to be revealed in new book

A BOOK delving into the “secret life” of Barnard Castle and Teesdale is due to be published early next year.

Currently being researched by dale historian and author Graham Stables, the book is expected to reveal some lesser known stories about the area.

The announcement follows the publication of Mr Stables' most recent work, Secret Kendal, which has only just gone on sale and his second book. Mr Stables said: “Secret Kendal took about seven months to research and write, and includes some Barnard Castle connections including the wonderfully named Zachary Hubbersty who is buried in Kendal Trinity Church.

“Zachary and John were the sons of Zachary Senior (1726-1780) who was an attorney from Underbarrow, Kendal. Zachary Senior was married to Phyllis Lodge of Barnard Castle and had six children, one being Zachary, and another being, John Lodge Hubbersty.

“In St Mary’s Church, in Barnard Castle, there are a couple of slab inscribed with further burials from this family.”

The book also contains a story about a king’s messenger who ended up drunk and was chased out of one half of the town to the other side which welcomed him with open arms.

He was called Dickie Doodle and they installed him as mayor of ‘Doodleshire’ to spite the other side of town.

This tradition lasted for several hundred years when a Mayor of Doodleshire was elected followed by a procession and sports.

Mr Stables said: “I am delighted to have completed my second book after the success of Secret Penrith and this ultimately led to the publisher finally approving my next venture –  Secret Barnard Castle and Teesdale, which should be released early in the New Year.

“I am half way through writing this at the moment. My aim is to make history interesting, easy to read and not full of dates but accessible to people who just want to know interesting stories from the past. The book will contain some of the well-known highlights from our historic town and dale, but also some lesser known stories, features and characters that show off the essence of the area.”

Mr Stables was born at Market Place, in Barnard Castle, and later lived in Churchill Road.

He moved to Lartington in 1969 and attended Cotherstone Primary and Teesdale School. He left to live in York in 1988.

He said: “All of my family still live in Teesdale and I visit regularly. Sometimes, looking from the outside in gives you a different perspective and for me the beauty of Teesdale is ingrained in my soul.”

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