Thursday 3 August 2017

Top class primary school earns top Investing in Children award

PROACTIVE pupils in West Auckland have received national recognition for their involvement in decision-making to help improve their school.

Copeland Road Primary School has been awarded the Investing In Children Membership Award.

Children at the school have been taking part in weekly class meetings and working hard to provide evidence of them making positive changes in their school environment. In an report, written by Investing In Children project worker Chloe Brown, the children were praised for their work to make break times better for everyone.

Children now decide what activities will take place on the schoolyard and make sure everyone is able to join in if they want to. The report also spoke highly of children who wanted to take more responsibility for keeping everyone safe in school. Some year five pupils have since become door monitors at break times. Buddies and anti-bullying ambassadors also help others if needed.

Children also got to choose which new reading books they wanted to have in the classroom. Teacher Victoria Summerfield said: “We have received the award for proving that we have listened to the children’s voices and made changes in school.

“The children have really enjoyed getting involved. Even the children in reception have been having meetings too. The award shows that we will listen to the children and that they are at the centre of our school.”

The school’s smart council have also been involved in interviewing two new teachers to see who they thought would do the best job. The children’s opinions were then taken into account when a decision was made about who to employ. The smart council also helped to organise fundraising events for different charities.

The report read: “All children have very regular opportunities to have a say, make suggestions and give their ideas which has impacted on many areas of school life.

“The children were able to tell me about some great examples of when their ideas and suggestions have made changes happen.”

Investing in Children membership administrator Caroline Godeau visited the children in school last week to present the award.

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