Monday 7 August 2017

Second fundraiser adds another £1,550 to Great North Air Ambulance Service coffers

A CARER and her friends have been thanked for their second charity fundraiser in two years.

Evenwood’s Debbie Peddelty suffered a seizure in 2015 leading to the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) being called out.

In the time since, Ms Peddelty and a group of friends have raised more than £3,000 for the charity – £1,550 of which was gathered in the latest coffee morning and fun day in June.

Ms Peddelty said: “Two years ago he did say it cost about £3,000 per flight so we think we’ve paid for it now.

“Even in cricket and football it happens – it can effect every walk of life.” 

A tombola, bric-a-brac sale and classic games such as guess the name of the doll helped boost the total on the day. Torrential rain didn’t put off villagers from turning out on Saturday, June 10. 

 The service relies on donations from the public to help raise the £4million a year it needs to keep all three of its helicopters flying. It has helped dozens of dale folk who have come into bother in recent years. 

James Atkinson, from the GNAAS, praised local fundraisers: “It makes a huge difference to critical life-saving care and helps keep our helicopters airborne.

“It’s a huge thing for us.”

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