Friday 4 August 2017

Backing for park floodlights in Barnard Castle

PROSPECTS to illuminate a multi-sport facility look bright after councillors agreed to press on with the project.

Barnard Castle Town Council asked residents around the Dawson Road MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) whether they would be happy with floodlights on the site.

Consultations in February revealed only two of 16 people living near the site had reservations about the move.

Members of the council’s services committee agreed to push on with the scheme and look into light prices last week.

The idea came from the informal Barnard Castle Youth Council, made up of members of Teesdale YMCA, who wanted somewhere they could play football in the evening.

A town council report revealed comments from residents saying the MUGA was “well used”, “a good place for children of all ages”. However there were concerns about “older users” who could “often be seen and heard only by the light of their cigarettes” late at night.

None of the survey participants wanted the lights on after 9pm. Another suggestion included putting fencing around the site to allow a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to kick in. This would prevent dogs accessing the MUGA.

Cllr George Hallimond told colleagues the area had proven popular. He added: “I go past there most days and there is a lot of small children. I found dog mess straight away so it does need fencing up and notices saying no dogs.

“I have also seen people from Green Lane down there.”

Cllr Belinda Thompson agreed the lighting project would be worth looking into.

It will be discussed at the next Services Committee meeting in September.

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