Sunday 2 July 2017

‘We watched them target our beautiful river’

A BRAZEN act of daylight flytipping has left Startforth Park residents furious. 

Stunned villagers watched on as the flytippers pushed a wheelbarrow laden with a chest freezer along The Sills, near Gill Lane, before dumping the freezer over a wall and into the undergrowth alongside the river.

A woman who saw the incident, which happened shortly after 7pm on Monday, June 20, said: “Then they threw the wheelbarrow over.”

The items landed in a stream that runs into the River Tees. The freezer was filled with broken toys, lamps, bits of material and other items.

The woman added: “I called the police but they suggested I call the council in the morning. They were very sympathetic.”

She said flytipping was being made worse because only limited types of items are permitted at the recycling centre at Stainton Grove. It is also not open during the week. In the past it has been described as the tip that “doesn't take rubbish”.

The resident, who asked to not to be named, said: “It is a different story at Middleton – they are helpful there but it is far to travel.”

Startforth resident Jeff Smith spotted the dumped freezer the following day. He said: “It is unbelievable they could find such a beautiful spot to dump the rubbish.

“I know why people do it. It’s because of the cost of getting rid of it.

“It is an eyesore and it will be a hazard to the river if anything leaks out of the freezer.”

County officers are appealing to people to report flytipping when they sport it.

Ian Hoult, neighbourhood protection officer for Durham County Council, said: “We’re extremely disappointed by the lack of care or thought for our environment shown by the flytippers.

“It shows a total disregard for the communities who live in the area, and the private landowners who now have to deal with this mess.

“If anyone has information on flytipping in our county we’d implore them to come forward and contact us in strict confidence.”

To report flytipping contact the county’s highways and streetscene department on 03000 261 000.

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