Thursday 2 March 2017

Top heifer shows great potential at Barnard Castle show and sale

ONE of Barnard Castle Auction Mart’s major events – annual prize show and sale of store cattle, feeding bulls and show potential cattle, along with over 30 month (OTM) cattle – was held last week.
A catalogued entry of 71 feeding bulls and 466 store cattle was presented to a packed ringside of both regular and new buyers from all parts of the UK, resulting in a flying trade for all classes of stock, unrivalled anywhere in the region in recent weeks.
All credit must be given to the 76 vendors who presented such an outstanding show of stock.
The success of such sales at the mart are testament to what can be achieved when farmers support and are appreciated by their local auction company
The judge for the show cattle was Mike Everatt, of Goole, and he awarded the overall championship to a Limousin heifer shown in the haltered class by JW Dent & Sons, Naby View, which was later purchased by the judge for £1,400.
The reserve championship and top priced animal of the day was a pedigree Limousin heifer from DC & KL Hutchinson, Old Spital, which was later sold for £2,700 to Mellin & Cropper, Longpreston, Skipton.
The show was sponsored by George F White, Eden Farm Supplies, Barclays Bank, I’Anson Brothers Ltd, Warrens ABP, AWSM Farms, Hendersons Insurance, Newline ASP, TBI Solicitors, Brian Robson Machinery Ltd, Philip Holden (Rural) Ltd, Allen Sykes Accountants and Simpson Fuels.

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