Tuesday 7 March 2017

Teesdale Players preparing for an evening of murder and mystery at Cotherstone Village Hall

THERE’LL be murder in a dale village later this month – and it will be up to theatregoers to help work out whodunnit.
Who Killed The Caretaker is being staged by the Teesdale Players at Cotherstone Village Hall on March 17 and 18.
The Players’ Wayne Mann said the murder mystery would be performed along the same lines as last spring’s production of Who Killed The Vicar.
“Audience participation is essential to the success of the night as they work their way through a series of clues, answering quiz questions as they go, with the ultimate aim of identifying the murderer and accomplice.
“Prizes will be awarded and additional entertainment provided during intervals,” he said.
The play, which is set in the caretaker’s office, is being produced and directed by Rachel Markham.
“Our regular director, Stephen Lamb, will be busy at Doe Park farm with the lambing season in full swing,” said Mr Mann.
Ms Markham will also take on the all-important role of the Narrator.
The Caretaker (Jasper Rickets) is played by Russell Whiting, from Cotherstone, while Chris Oliver takes the role of Detective Inspector Swan.
“Rickets is the least popular character in the fictional Teesdale school, spending far too much time in his office with the door locked,” added Mr Mann.
“Chris is making a return to the stage following a back stage role in last November’s production of Some People.”
Local builder and businessman Trunk Scaffold is played by the evergreen Peter Anderson, who has been treading the boards with the Teesdale Players for many years.
The headteacher of the school, Miss Apprehension – a strong and decisive leader, under tremendous pressure to get results – will be portrayed by Barnard Castle’s Teresa Keeling.
Other characters/suspects include Shirley and Will Knott, teachers and dysfunctional married couple, played by
Alison Brass and Wayne Mann.
Rose Gardener, head of art, and Bob the assistant caretaker, are played by Lynda Gregory and Anna Conley, complete the cast.
Tickets costing £5 are available by calling 01833 650609. Performances start promptly at 7.30pm each night.

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