Wednesday 1 February 2017

Little Ryan diagnosed with rare and fatal illness – his family start fundraising campaign to find a cure.

A GAINFORD family have been overwhelmed by the support they have received after their little boy was diagnosed with a rare and fatal muscle-wasting disease.
Donations have been pouring in after three-year-old Ryan Chidzey was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a genetic condition.
Ryan’s parents, Cieran and Claire Chidzey, who are also mum and dad to Abigail, 12, and one-year-old Harry, have been told by doctors that Ryan could be in a wheelchair by the age of 11 and he might not live beyond his late teens.
Ryan’s grandmother, Ros Chidzey, said: “It started when he was at St Osmund’s Pre-school in the village.
“Sharon Meads who worked there told Ryan’s mum that she was a bit concerned that when he was on the floor he did not seem to be able to get up.
“Now he is at Gainford Primary School and they have noticed the same thing.”
Following a trip to the doctors, Ryan was referred to a paediatrician for tests.
Unfortunately, Ryan’s family received the news they had been dreading last Tuesday (January 24).
Mrs Chidzey said: “Cieran and Claire are absolutely devastated. They were told that there are lots of different types of muscular dystrophy but this one is the worst as it is very severe.
“They have told them there is no cure. We have got to hope that the scientists researching it will find a way of making it better.”
To try to help find a cure, Ryan’s family set up an online fundraising page, which has already passed the £5,000 mark in just three days. The family thanked everyone for their support.
Mrs Chidzey said: “The hundreds of people who have responded and the fact that people care has really lifted their spirits.
“You hear of all the bad people out there and bad things happening but there are wonderful and good people out there too and a lot of them are in this area.
“This is not an appeal for Ryan. It is not to buy him things or send him on holiday. It is purely to fund research.
“Whatever Ryan needs, his family will provide that. Research is the only thing that can help him.”
Ryan’s grandfather, Bert Chidzey, said: “We did not know what to expect with the fundraising page. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness even from people we don’t know.
“Even if nothing helps Ryan, it might help someone else in the future.”
Although the family are still coming to terms with the shock diagnosis and what the future holds, they have began to organise fundraising events to help them reach their £50,000 target. Barnard Castle Cricket Club will play host to A Family Night For Ryan on Saturday, April 15. Tickets cost £5 for adults and children are free. The evening will include entertainment as well as an auction and a raffle.
Mrs Chidzey said: “Ryan is really sweet and funny. He is just a typical three-year-old. He is walking about and he can run a bit. To the casual observer he is fine at the moment but this is all to come.
“Cieran and Claire want him to be a normal three-year-old for as long as he can.
“It is about doing as much as we can while he is still able to. It completely changes your life.
“All those things we thought mattered just don’t matter anymore. This is all we can think of now. It is every parent’s worst nightmare. As grandparents all we want to do is make it better for Cieran and Claire and take the pain away but we can’t.
“You hear of things happening but until it happens to you, you don’t realise the impact it actually has on a family. You just don’t think it is going to happen to you.”

To help Ryan’s family reach the fundraising target, please contact the grandparents Mr and Mrs Chidzey on 01325 730571


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