Friday 6 January 2017

Teesdale adventurer selected for 'life changing' trip to high Arctic

AN outdoor enthusiast from the upper dale is set to embark on an adventure of a lifetime in the hope of proving that there are no limits for women and girls.
Abi Atkinson, from Mickleton, was one of the lucky hopefuls handpicked by judges to go on a polar expedition in April.
Mrs Atkinson, who runs the Kingsway Adventure Centre, in Middleton-in-Teesdale with her husband Rob, is one of 26 successful applicants to gain a place on the trip, Fjällräven Polar.
As part of a week-long journey, sled dogs will lead Mrs Atkinson through 300km of wilderness in the Arctic tundra.
Speaking of when she first found out, she said: “It is safe to say I was overwhelmed with emotion. Initially there were tears of happiness and lots of them, followed by a lot of jumping around and finally followed by sitting, quietly trying to take it all in.
“As much as I had hoped and believed it could be possible, I also knew I was just one applicant of more than 100 and that my chances where very small, as there were so many other fantastic applications,” she added.
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much so I expected the worst only to be surprised with the best.”
The selection process saw hundreds of people submit a film documenting why they deserved a place.
Having received thousands of votes between them, half of the participants were selected by votes and organisers Fjällräven chose the rest.
Mrs Atkinson was motivated to apply for a place on the trip after noticing a change in the social expectations of men and women.
She said: “I want to use this experience to inspire and motivate others to access the great outdoors and to show them that if you have got a passion or an aspiration for the outdoors, go for it.
“There are many aspects of society which indicate that the outdoors and adventurous activities are more for males.
“That is just not the case and I fear it is putting more and more girls off enjoying the incredible benefits being in the outdoors and nature can give us,” she said.
The unique adventure will take place high above the Arctic circle. Testing endurance and stamina, survival instincts will also be vital when it comes to the expedition.
Despite being tested in temperatures as cold as -30C, Mrs Atkinson is keeping preparation to a minimum.
She said: “The fantastic thing about Fjällräven Polar is that it is open to everyone of different ages, capabilities and experiences to give anyone the opportunity of a lifetime.
“There is no prior preparation apart from perhaps a little Googling of dog sledding calls and some time acclimatising stood next to my freezer.”
On her return, Mrs Atkinson hopes to use the experience as a platform to share with women and girls in Teesdale to show that the outdoor world is as much for men and boys as it is for women and girls.
She said: “It is certainly going to be a life changing experience which I look forward to sharing with our next generation of girls in order to inspire and enthuse them about adventures in nature and the great outdoors.
“I hope to push myself and challenge myself in ways I haven’t before in an absolutely incredible environment.”

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