Tuesday 8 November 2016

Scary staff on the run for a good cause

STAFF from a travel agency in Barnard Castle have taken on the “scary” challenge of completing a marathon on a treadmill in their office in aid of a fell rescue team.
The group, from Hays Travel, donned Halloween outfits before taking on the daunting task of covering 26 miles on a borrowed treadmill on Wednesday, October 26.
Their aim is raise £400 for Teesdale and Weardale Search and Mountain Rescue Team (TWSMRT).
Branch manager Lucy Avery said: “It will help get kit for their new radio system. We did a site visit to their building at the police station and saw what equipment they needed.”
She added that the office staff, which includes Lynden Watson, Danielle Willcock and Karen Dent, jointly came up with the idea of the marathon because of the miles the fell rescue team walk when they are on an operation. The rescue team is due to move into new premises in Wilson Street.
People who would like to contribute to the cause can visit the website justgiving.com/fundraising/Hays-Travel4504.

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