Thursday 3 November 2016

Charity begins at home for fundraiser Pamela

A TEESDALE grandmother has raised £1,300 for cancer research by opening up her home.
Barnard Castle’s Pamela Ashmore hosted more than 60 people at a pink-themed party in Sherwood Close to raise money for Teesdale’s branch of Cancer Research UK. The grandmother-of-four has welcomed neighbours and fellow volunteers to her house every October for the past 14 years – raising more than £10,000 in that time.
“It seems to have snowballed really,” she said. “Usually it’s successful and we raise about £1,000 in donations.
“We could not do it without our family, friends and supporters – my husband is very good at moving tables and chairs around. Everyone seems to rally around and bring stuff which is great.”
Mrs Ashmore, who has been on the branch committee for more than 25 years, began the pink theme as part of October’s breast cancer awareness month. She praised its members for all their hard work and revealed where the money was going.
“It’s very important – all our money goes to Newcastle to support research and they are doing fantastic work,” she added. “This year they’re opening a lab especially for kids and teens, so half our money is going towards that and half is going towards that section.
“It’s not just me who does this – we cannot do it without the help of family and friends.”
Mrs Ashmore still works part time at McGarry and Co solicitors in the town.
She praised Teesdale’s businesses for their continued backing ahead of the group’s November fundraiser at Cotherstone Village Hall.
“The people of Teesdale are very supportive of our committee,” she added. “We usually raise about £50,000 a year and for a small area that’s a lot of money.”
If anyone wants to start their own fundraising event, contact Mrs Ashmore on 01833 638652.

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